Since its inception in 2008, IPL as a brand, has only climbed up the ladder of equity by combining the love of cricket with excitement of entertainment. And who can forget the role of HotStar which has also seen nothing but the growth. Below is the brief glance of HotStar for IPL 2019:
Brand sponsorships & teams mix:
Zero EduTech brands in 2019, isn’t it?
Because EduTech & Digital First is the flavor of this season!
From BYJU’s to Unacademy, EduTech-Digital First combination brands have raised a lot of green flags for ads this season. According to estimates, the spends will be nearing a total of 400 crores for the season by the way of just sponsorships. And it all makes sense for EduTech-Digital first brands as COVID has moved the audience towards digital platforms of education
IPL trends way long before it even begins!
The peak you see is the week when the schedule was announced amidst the confusion of which match is going to the first one. And to no surprises to all, it is CSK vs MI. Why? Because those were the 2 teams which have the highest social equity, thereby, the ability to pull viewership from across the country and not just the home cities.
Why IPL 2020 will be the MOST important season ever for viewers & brands!
Since time immemorial, the combination of sports & entertainment has provided an immersive distraction to the audiences/viewers from the daily stress. Now, considering the immeasurable COVID stress, the audiences will meet their immeasurable need for an immersive distraction that is IPL 2020. The quality of content & campaigns will be the key for making a difference as the standard keeps getting higher with each year.
With the above, the media expectations are also high. HotStar is expecting 500 Million viewers on the app for the season & 200 brands, already, are geared up. According to a source, 95% of Star Sports ad inventory is already sold at a 25% higher rate as compared to last year.
Along with the teams, fans also have favorite ads during the season which they remember even after the season is over. Who can forget the Swiggy uncle who orders one laddoo? Not only the ad beautifully brought out the everyday struggle of minimum ordering via context, but it also managed in encouraging the senior citizens to order using the app. That is some new customer base!